Ouagadougou: The Burkinabè association for the fight against antimicrobial resistance (RAM-Burkina), in collaboration with Youth Action Against Antimicrobial Resistance (AJRAM), organized on Tuesday a symposium to reflect on solutions to combat antimicrobial resistance .
For the representative of the Minister in charge of Health, the Minister Delegate in charge of Animal Resources, Amadou Dicko, this symposium will help identify perspectives that will make it possible to effectively fight against Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR).
‘The multisectoral action plan adopted in 2017 and which is currently being revised for the period 2024-2026 has the mission of strengthening surveillance on AMR, reducing the incidence of infections through effective prevention measures,’ said Mr. Dicko.
According to him, this action plan also aims to improve the use of antimicrobial drugs in human and animal health and in agriculture.
The Minister Delegate in charge of animal resources also noted that the said plan aims to streng
then the regulatory framework for the fight against AMR.
In his opinion, this first edition, placed under the theme: ‘Fight against antimicrobial resistance in Burkina Faso: assessment, challenges and perspectives in a context of new epidemics and security challenges’ fits perfectly with the objectives of the plan.
According to the president of the scientific committee, Professor Rasmata Ouédraogo, the worrying data on the level of resistance of certain germs as well as the poor development of new antibiotics have raised awareness among the international community.
According to Professor Ouédraogo, we must act quickly to contain this resistance which constitutes a real threat to all of humanity.
‘This symposium constitutes an opportunity for exchanges allowing the national community to promote the achievements of the implementation of the plan to combat AMR in Burkina Faso, to identify the shortcomings and especially the priority actions to be carried out in the coming years,’ she clarified .
Professor R
asmata Ouédraogo explained that by involving young people in the current approach to this fight, the stakeholders want to empower them in order to anticipate.
She indicated that more than 300 participants are expected at this conference which will be held from March 12 to 13, 2024 at the University of Joseph Ki-Zerbo.
The president of the organizing committee, Professor Abdoul Salam Ouédraogo, for his part, specified that the 48-hour meeting will bring together, among others, teachers and students of varied profiles and decision-makers from different ministries.
For the representative of USAID, partner of the Ministry in charge of Health, Alyson McFarland, AMR endangers the health of populations and compromises their security.
Ms. McFarland also invited participants to take better ownership of the symposium to be able to effectively fight against AMR in Burkina Faso.
Note that antimicrobial resistance occurs when microbes develop capacities that allow them to resist antibiotics which usually slow down th
eir growth
Source: Burkina Information Agency