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Showing posts of Category: Health & Safety

Burkina seeks to improve care for its wounded fighters

Ouagadougou: The Department of Defense brought together experts and technicians from several areas of expertise to make proposals with a view to improving the care of combatants injured in operations, as efficiently as possible.

The meeting which end…

Boulkiemdé: Incineration of suspiciously dead bats

Ouagadougou: Bats that died suspiciously in the commune of Bingo (Boulkiemdé, Center-west), were incinerated yesterday by a joint team from the Ministries of the Environment and Animal Resources, we learned. ‘AIB.

We recall that on March 12, 2024, th…

Loroum: A community day celebrated to strengthen social cohesion

The High Commissioner of the Loroum province, Captain Djibril Bassolé, chaired a day of socio-cultural and sporting activities on Saturday March 9, 2024 in Titao to celebrate peace and social cohesion. It saw the participation of the local population …

Burkina: Associations seek solutions to antimicrobial resistance

Ouagadougou: The Burkinabè association for the fight against antimicrobial resistance (RAM-Burkina), in collaboration with Youth Action Against Antimicrobial Resistance (AJRAM), organized on Tuesday a symposium to reflect on solutions to combat antimi…