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The Kingdom of Morocco provides 40 tons of medical aid to the population of Gaza


Ouagadougou: The King of Morocco, Mohammed VI, has decided to send 40 tonnes of medical aid to the population of Gaza, MAP reported on Monday.

This aid, ordered by King Mohammed VI, is made up of 40 tonnes of medical products containing, in particular, devices for the treatment of burns, and surgical and traumatological emergencies, as well as essential medicines, underlines the source. the MAP, adding that these medical products concern both adults and young children.

According to MAP, this operation will be financed largely from the King’s own funds.

The Moroccan aid will be transported through the same land route taken during the food aid operation decided by His Majesty.

These large-scale humanitarian operations for the benefit of the Palestinian populations confirm the effective commitment and constant solicitude of His Majesty in favor of the Palestinian cause, concludes the MAP.

Source: Burkina Information Agency