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Kourittenga/Construction of gas and hydrocarbon depot: SONABHY exchanges with the affected population


The population affected by the gas and hydrocarbon depot construction project had an information meeting, on Saturday July 13, 2024 in Koupéla, with the planning director of the said project, Désiré Ouédraogo , for better implementation of the project.

Placed under the presidency of Kourit Yiir-Soaba, the high commissioner of the Kouritenga province, Aïssata Angelina Traoré and the population of Andemtenga and Koudmi, the meeting took place on Saturday July 13, 2024 in Koupéla.

Organized by the Association for the Development of Kourittenga (ADK), the meeting aims, among other things, to create a space for exchange between stakeholders and collect their recommendations for better implementation of the project.

The director of planning for the SONABHY project, Désiré Ouédraogo, requested the support of the population for the success of the project.

‘The meeting went very well. She went beyond our expectations. We have noted that the sons and daughters of the Kourittenga province are receptive to the projec
t and we can only rejoice. We already have the support of the population, the ADK, the various customary and administrative leaders of the locality,’ he indicated.

He hoped that the project would go well in order to make petroleum products available for the benefit of the population.

Aware of the importance of the gas and hydrocarbon depot construction project, the populations of the village of Koudmi and Andemtenga reassured the director of his support for achieving the project’s objectives.

‘We are happy to know that such a project will be implemented in the commune of Andemtenga for the benefit of the province of Kourittenga but also the Center-East region. We are happy because the entire population of the commune of Andemtenga is waiting for the work to start,’ declared the Wibga Naaba of Andemtenga.

For Zacharie Tougma, one of the landowners of the village of Koudmi, reassured to support the project so that it is beneficial for the population of Kourittenga and the Center-East region in general.

president of the ADK, Célestin Pouya, was delighted to know that all the protagonists agree with this project.

According to him, the ADK worked to ensure that the project remained in Kourittenga province.

For Naaba Yemdé le Kourit-Yir-Soaba, we must have a basis for considering sustainable development.

‘You cannot grow without a start-up plan. This is a project that will benefit us all because it will allow us to have fuel and gas. The creation of these oil infrastructures here will undoubtedly contribute to the development of the province,’ he noted.

The Burkinabè National Hydrocarbons Company (SONABHY) is committed to the construction of new deposits in order to diversify storage and secure Burkina Faso’s supply of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons.

Surveys made it possible to identify a site in the village of Sanbwerga in the commune of Andemtenga, in the province of Kouritenga.

Source: Burkina Information Agency