Categories Health & Safety

Burkina: Prices, insecurity and health on the menu of Burkinabè dailies

This Friday’s dailies deal with the 3rd prize of the President of Faso at FESPACO, insecurity in the Kossi without forgetting the sale of specialty drugs.

The newspaper of all Burkinabè, Sidwaya title on its headline “Sale of specialty drugs: The government opts for price regulation”.

The newspaper informs that the President of the Transition, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, chaired, on Wednesday May 17, 2023 in Ouagadougou, the Council of Ministers which examined several files submitted to its agenda and took important decisions on the life of the nation.

The private daily newspaper Le Pays headlines “Specialty drugs: The government opts for price regulation”.

The daily informs that according to the minister in charge of trade, Serge Poda, there are two types of medicines in terms of health products in Burkina Faso. These are generic essential drugs and specialty drugs.

The Minister goes on to say that in the light of recent events marked by the general increase in the prices of specialty products in pharmaceutical pharmacies, this adopted report allows us to continue the procedure in this area to henceforth set ceiling margins on prices of specialty products.

From another angle, “Insecurity in the Kossi: Nouna between support for the Transition and renewed concern”, headlines the dean of the private dailies L’Observateur Paalga.

The newspaper reports that Kossi is one of the provinces most affected by the terrorist Hydra, which has a negative impact on socio-economic activities.

To challenge the authorities to look into the case of the area in order to provide solutions, the population responded massively to the call to storm the streets, launched by the living forces.

Under another look, the private newspaper Le Quotidien displays on its headline “3rd prize of the President of Faso at FESPACO 2023: Dramane Ouédraogo receives his check”.

According to the newspaper L’Express du Faso, during the 2023 edition of the Pan-African Cinema and Television Festival of Ouagadougou (FESPACO), it was Dramane Ouédraogo who won the 3rd prize of the Head of State with his movie Malla, as far as the night lasts.

Source: Burkina Information Agency