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Education in emergencies: Ziro actors strengthen their capacities

The provincial director of preschool, primary and non-formal education of Ziro, Sidbéwendin Compaoré, opened on Tuesday February 27, 2024 in Sapouy, a training workshop on the ‘Safe school’ approach for the benefit of staff primary and secondary school teacher in the province.

The security crisis is compromising the smooth running of educational programs in certain affected localities.

This requires resilient behavior on the part of teachers, students and parents, which would enable them to face new challenges and resist attempts to destabilize the education system.

The State has developed the ‘Safe School’ program with the help of its partners. This approach, according to the provincial director of preschool, primary and non-formal education of Ziro, Sidbéwendin Compaoré, aims to prepare students, teachers and even parents of students to adopt behaviors that protect them in the event of security threats within the school or community.

It is in this vein that the consortium of NGOs, namely Educo, Children
Believe and the Diocesan Communication Center (CDC), with the support of Swiss Cooperation and the European Union, designed the Strengthening Project of the Integrated Protection and Education Services Offer (PROSIPE) in the Boucle du Mouhoun and Centre-West regions in Burkina Faso. It is within the framework of this project that Children Believe is organizing this training.

Over three days, the participants, primary and secondary school teachers, will identify the contours of this ‘Safe school’ approach through communications. They will be equipped on the psychosocial care of internally displaced students (EDI) and on peace education.

The head of the Cassou basic education district, Yoribé Kafando, and the inclusive education officer of the Center-West DREPPNF, Charlotte Nignan, will be the main facilitators of this capacity building session.

Provincial director Sidbéwendin Compaoré therefore invited the participants to fully play their part in the work, because they will have to implement the approach in
their respective schools.

Source: Burkina Information Agency