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Kossi/Education: The Provincial Director in charge of Education, Adama Dao speaks on the challenges of Education

Nouna, As the 2023-2024 school year begins, the provincial director of primary and non-formal preschool education in Kossi, Adama Dao, spoke on Friday October 13, 2023 in Nouna, on the challenges that present themselves to him, through an Interview given to the Burkina Information Agency.

AIB: How is education as a whole in Kossi during this period?

Adama DAO: Thank you for giving us the opportunity to express ourselves on the situation during this difficult time. The administrative start on October 15, 2023 in the context of insecurity was not easy.

Nevertheless, there were a significant number of teachers who were on site to prepare for the start of the school year.

Generally speaking, the supervision teams found enough teachers in the schools. With the blessing of the administrative authorities, a convoy was organized on September 26 for teachers to allow them to reach Nouna and Djibasso.

On October 2, the provincial authorities visited local schools to see the effectiveness of the start of the school year and there was satisfaction.

A second convoy is in sight to bring in the latecomers.

AIB: What are the challenges facing you?

Adama DAO: Of the ten communes of the province except Kombori, there are three Basic Education Circumscriptions (CEB) which operate: Nouna, Djibasso, Madouba and the six other CEBs are relocated to Nouna. Fortunately, UNICEF provided us with tents for the relocated CEBs to accommodate students.

Last year, with the lack of preparation and the influx of internally displaced people, we had difficulties. This year, we were able to anticipate and sufficiently prepare parents through awareness raising.

The challenges that arise are mainly at the canteen level. Nouna is under blockade of terrorists and the villages are not left out.

The students cannot go back to the villages to look for cereals and the host population has not been able to cultivate.

We need to plead with partners for the provision of food such as the WFP and SONAGESS Nouna, in contact with the MENA, so that the town of Nouna is quickly provided with food.

AIB: How is the collaboration going with the social partners?

Adama DAO: Dialogue always prevails in order to reduce difficulties. We are always in a constructive spirit, there is mutual understanding.

AIB: What is the message you had for the partners?

Adama DAO: Allow me to first thank the High Commissioner and the President of the special delegation from the commune of Nouna, who are fully committed to the cause of children.

I salute the resilience of teachers for the sacrifices made for the benefit of students. I have not forgotten all the players who support us.

As Joseph KI-ZERBO said, “We are obliged to educate if we want to exist”. It’s a question of existence, we are committed and I think we will succeed if we stay united.

Source: Burkina Information Agency