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Mouhoun: Regional Coordination reaffirms its support for the Transition

The National Coordination of Citizen Watch Associations (CNAVC), Boucle du Mouhoun section organized a press conference on Thursday April 11 , 2024 in Dédougou, in order to reaffirm their commitment to supporting the authorities of the transition .

It was with the national anthem sung in chorus followed by a minute of silence in memory of the fighting forces who fell with weapons in their hands that the press conference began on Thursday April 11, 2024 in Dédougou.

The press conference initiated by the National Coordination of Citizen Watch Associations (CNAVC), Boucle du Mouhoun section, aimed to reaffirm their commitment to supporting the multiple and multifaceted actions initiated by the Transition authorities for the liberation of the national territory and promote endogenous development through APEC.

The speakers congratulated President Ibrahim Traoré and his government for the clear vision of making Burkina Faso a sovereign country where it is first and foremost the interest of the country that coun

‘In the dynamic of ongoing political and economic reforms, the Coordination is committed to and encourages President Ibrahim Traoré and the government to continue the struggle for the liberation of the entire territory of our country ,’ said Diapoba Tiao .

He then clarified that the fight initiated by the Heads of State of the AES cannot be interrupted by any ECOWAS calendar which is not concerned with our security situation but rather with the organization of elections.

Likewise, Diapoba Tiao stressed that regional coordination encourages the Transition authorities to continue the offensive to reconquer the territory and completely overhaul the country’s governance system.

‘For us, there is no question of organizing elections until the country is free from the forces of evil. We hope and invite President Ibrahim Traoré to continue the work so well begun to free the country from the yoke of imperialism,’ he maintained.

While recognizing the work done by our fighting forces for the reconquest of the t
erritory, the regional coordination of the Boucle du Mouhoun of the CNAVC praised the resettlement of several villages in the region.

‘Our region is the breadbasket of Burkina. With the agropastoral and fishing offensive , we see that Burkinabè is able to feed Burkinabè. This is why we strongly support the APEC initiative and the construction of numerous factories for the processing of our products,’ he concluded.

For the Regional Coordinator of the Boucle du Mouhoun of the CNAVC, Salimatou Compaoré, concrete actions have been carried out through the multiplication of support movements, marches in support of the Transition, citizen monitoring organized in several cities of the country.

‘All its activities are organized thanks to the support of people of goodwill who find that the fight is real and that synergy of action is needed,’ continued Ms. Compaoré .

The CNAVC is the national umbrella which defends and carries the ideals of the Transition authorities.

It ensures citizen monitoring and defends the i
nterests of peace-loving Burkinabè in the face of the war which was imposed on the country by imperialism and its local lackeys.

Source: Burkina Information Agency