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Sissili/Gestion 2024: A initial budget of more than 500 million FCA adopted

The Special Delegation of the urban commune of Léo met on November 21 and 22, 2023, in ordinary session, for the fourth time, with a view to adopting the initial 2024 management budget of more than 500 million FCFA. The ceremony was chaired by the first person in charge of the commune of Léo, Kassoum Koalaga.

For 48 hours, the members of Léo’s special delegation discussed several points on the agenda.

This involved, among other things, the examination and adoption of the initial 2024 management budget, the local management charters for the collective sites of Don and Koalaga, the deliberations and the presentation of the authorizing officer’s report.

For the initial management budget for 2024, it is estimated in revenue and expenditure at the sum of 519,776,369 FCFA.

After examination and amendment in committee, the initial 2024 management budget was unanimously adopted in plenary on Wednesday November 21, 2023.

But before that, the Secretary General (SG) of Léo town hall, Saïdou Ouédraogo, presented to the members of the special delegation the report of the Economic and Financial Affairs Commission (CAEF) and the authorizing officer.

According to Mr. Ouédraogo, the authorizing officer’s report talks about the situation of the commune on the transferred materials, the economic, socio-cultural, agro-sylvo-pastoral potentialities as well as the state of execution of the deliberations of the special delegation and of the financial situation of the municipality.

The members of the special delegation present at the session recommended the creation of a monitoring commission for the implementation of decisions and deliberations.

They then deliberated on three subjects, namely the creation of a green brigade, a commission for the public auction of impounded animals and a service responsible for youth in urban communities.

The local management charters for the collective sites of Don and Koalaga in the urban commune of Léo were also examined and adopted by all participants subject to amendments.

The secretary general of Léo town hall, Saïdou Ouédraogo, also informed the audience that the renewal of village land commissions (CFV) and village land conciliation commissions (CCFV) in the 19 villages of the commune of Léo is It went well.

According to him, this renewal was possible thanks to the financial support of the Ministry of Territorial Administration, Decentralization and Security (MATDS).

The members of the special delegation were informed of the reception of 60 stores on November 15 in the presence of the 1st deputy of the special delegation, Saydou Yago.

According to the SG of the town hall of Léo M. Ouédraogo, the use of these new socio-economic infrastructures will allow the municipality to increase these revenues and was delighted with the good execution of the market.

Participants were also entitled to information relating to the official launch on Monday, November 27, 2023 of the Municipal Integrated Development Plan (PdIC) of Léo, the organization of the 6th edition of the reunion from December 7 to 10, 2023 and the holding of the December 1st to 3rd in Léo, 72 hours of Yadga community days.

The president of Léo’s special delegation, Kassoum Koalaga thanked the members of the delegation for their full participation in the discussions.

He invited members to become more involved in revenue mobilization, through raising taxpayer awareness on tax morale and citizen participation in the general interest of the community.

Mr. Koalaga then expressed his gratitude to the NGO Tree-Aid for its support to the community.

He therefore urged the representatives of the villages benefiting from local charters for the management of collective sites to sustainable management of forest resources.

Source: Burkina Information Agency