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Somali and Chinese Youth Exchange Experiences

A meeting between Somali young men and Chinese young diplomats in the Chinese embassy was held in Mogadishu on Wednesday. Mr. Chen Wendi, the Chinese embassy Counsellor, inaugurated the meeting.
The event was an opportunity for Somali young people and Chinese young diplomats in Somalia to exchange experiences and perspectives on the Chinese modernization program and the Global Civilization Initiative.
Mr. Wendi emphasized the importance of the friendship relationship between Somalia and China, and noted that it is important to build relationships between the young diplomats working in the embassy and Somali young people.
He mentioned that the Somali youth population is estimated to be 75% of the total population, and that the event was attended by officials from the Ministry of Information, including Abdullahi Sheikh Abdirahman, Director of Planning and International Relations, and Abdirahman Abdullahi Mohamed, Chief Editor of SONNA.
The meeting was a fruitful opportunity for both Somali and Chinese participants to learn more about each other’s cultures and perspectives.
The Chinese diplomats spoke about the history and development of China, as well as the country’s current goals and ambitions. The Somali participants shared their own experiences and perspectives on Somali culture and society.
The meeting concluded with discussions, during which participants had the opportunity to ask questions about each other’s countries and cultures.
The meeting was a positive and productive exchange of ideas and experiences, and it is hoped that it will be the first of many such meetings between Somali and Chinese young people.

Source: Somali National News Agency